My guide / Moj vodič
In Competition > Short films
Film infoCountry | Hungary | Year | 2013. |
Director | Barnabás Tóth | Runtime | 12 |
Actors | Judit Pogány, Zsolt Kovács |
An elderly couple sit in heavy traffic. The wife chats, scolds, controls. She is a policeman, a satnav, and a commentator all rolled into one. The husband is gruff and explosive. This is how their world works. Life requires constant replanning...
Barnabás Tóth: Independent writer, director and producer since his diploma from Budapest Film School in 2003. In his filmography there are shorts (On a train, My Guide etc), animation (Grimm Café), feature (Camembert Rose) and a short documentary film (Hors Pairs).
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