Main program (competition) > Documentaries
Film infoCountry | Slovakia | Year | 2014. |
Director | Jana Cavojska i Vladimir Kampf | Runtime | 52 |
Actors | Hansjorg Heinzmann, Anton Witti, Peter Ac, Kristina Kristek, Vladimir Macura, Mitku Lambergiev |
Stories of people and the second longest river in Europe, Danube. Filmmakers had been traveling on and along the 3000 kilometres long river several times searching for characters suitable to represent their country and region.
Their stories tell - biofarmer and guardian of a river spring in Germany, traditional wooden ship builder in Austria, biologist and underwater photographer in Slovakia, bridge mainteiner in Hungary, ornithologist in Croatia, gallerist in Serbia, distiller in Bulgaria, musician in Moldova, photographer in Ukraine and frog hunter in Romania.
Vladimir Kampf (1966.) Slovak journalist and reporter has been working in media since 1993. He obtained several Slovak and world awards for his photos. He worked on documentary film of Slovak director Ivan Kočner about hard life of Slovak minority in Romania (1995.) and on documentary film of Slovak director Ivo Brachtl about Slovak teenagers (2006.).
Jana Cavojska (1980.) Lawyer by education, but has worked for biggest Slovak and Czech media for more than ten years as a photographer, writing reporter, editor and chief-editor. „Danube Story“ is her 1st feature - lenght documentary film.
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